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Self-reflection and concern of family here in China and the spirit is quiet... Typically outcasts have the hardest time finding a girl as most girls are predominantly social and don't go out of their way to talk to guys, socialites will tend to ignore outcasts altogether and will go for more obnoxious or active types to better fit in with their cliques. I kindly open doors for men, women, young and old.

Canadian liquor has twice the alcohol content of American liquor! They simply have too much work to do. Dating apps are the free-market economy come to sex.

Tinder and Hookup

I recently came back from almost 3 weeks of vacation in Europe. I had a blast. Italy is out of this world beautiful. Everything is so clean and pretty. The architecture is stunning, people are beautiful, the nature is unbelievable. The food is sooooo freaking good. I overindulged on pastas and pizzas, whatever, YOLO. Would I move there? I am not sure why emancipation is so welcomed and encouraged in Canada. Is it because of the feminist movement? Men and women are not equal. This is not just something I came up with, I see this every day. There is no way a man will let you carry stuff in Europe. In Europe, it is common sense that a man pays for the woman. There is nothing wrong with a woman cooking, cleaning and taking care of her man. Men now clean and take maternity leaves, while women are out there kicking ass. So many women complain that their hubbies are not manly enough! Believe it or not, in Europe, men do treat women differently. Even a random dude would help you carry heavy bags or open the door for you. Women and men are like the Yin and Yang to each other, we complement each other. Men and women are two pieces of the same puzzle, same, but different. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think of this in the comments. Ваше равенство — это яма в цивилизованном мире, вы все хотите стать равными марионетками без какой-либо индивидуальность. А у нас женщина — это ЖЕНЩИНА, и любим и уважаем их не смотря на физиологию и возраст. European mentality is exactly the same as you have described in North Americans. It is normal to see woman carrying heavy bags and offer to split the bill on the first date. Only in Russia it is a taboo. So I think you might have got it wrong. In fact, it all comes to politeness. For example I am Russian, my boyfriend is Swiss. I did not even think about it before as I assumed it was normal from his side, as a man, to take care of me. Heavy Bags- again, not mentality, but politeness. It is normal to observe a lady struggling with heavy bags in London, yet also normal to witness a passing by young gentleman to offer help. So everyone created an image that the relationship between man and women in Russia is different. Yet, if you read the books or watch the movies from America, Europe or Russia you will see no difference in the way men act towards ladies. Therefore, it is not about the geographical location, but about the background of man, his family and education. In case of ladies, well… any girl will be treated the way she allows to be treated. But I would disagree with the article that Europeans are gentlemen, and Americans are not. But Canadian people are not bright in general anyway. I moved to Canada because it seemed faster than paperwork for the US, and in a way it was a good decision. But I despise local deceitful people, who have nothing in their character except for taking advantage of everyone around, lying and being nasty. I totally agree with this post. European men are bold and super confident, Canadian men do hold back. Men behave like men!!!! I go to Europe every summer just for the amazing culture, food, sites and of course the oh so bold confident men. Stay far, far away from here. Find a husband and fulfill your dreams of popping out babies as your husband is the main provider. It truly astounds me how ignorant some people can be. You might prefer this idealized world, but I am certain that whatever little time you spent in Italy did not make you an expert on gender roles within the nation. The cultures within this continent vary GREATLY from country to country. Try to educate yourself and not make ignorant, sweeping generalizations. Perhaps there is a deeper issue that is bothering you. Maybe you thought that I was physically attractive and right away assumed that I needed someone to sponsor me? But here you are talking about how you dislike generalizations. In this article, I was referring to general gender rules that get all mixed up in Canada from what I have experienced. Nothing to do with husbands being the main provider and popping babies. Thank you for suggesting for me to move to Italy, I will definitely consider it. I, by no means, ever said I was an expert in the field of gender roles. I was born in Eastern Europe and am well travelled. I also know a few people of European background, and, generally, they tend to confirm my generalizations. Once again, these are obviously generalizations. Not ALL European men are gentlemen just as much as not ALL North American men are assholes. In Russia and several traditional european countries 50 years old women are expected to be married at that age also including latin countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain and even in Quebec in rural regions. In my experience, only Scandinavian countries, Netherlands and in a way Finland have less traditional values. Men are not weak if they care about their families and do house work. Women all over the world have fought and lost their lives to gain rights, and many women are still fighting. Maybe you should show some respect. Everyone doing their things not bothering with others. I kindly open doors for men, women, young and old. If I can afford, I threat my friends men or women. Well I really enjoy the smiles I get thou. People that are really nice by nature are outnumbered. Italy is not known for the best place to live as beautiful as it can be. Scandiavian coutries are and they are very close to what we are. They are just smarter not more courteous. Not only do you think that women are entitled to certain treatment simply for being a woman not because you actually DID something to deserve special treatment but the article was actually poorly written to the point I even wonder if English is your first language. Grade 4 level at best. People and cultures evolve. Yes we are different physically and perhaps emotionally but that is the part of equality we are debating. It is referring to equal status. That one gender is not more IMPORTANT than the other and by claiming that men should do this and that for you you are claiming a higher status. You believe you are inherently more important than the man. Now you want to claim equality when it benefits you? Yes, women are ENTITLED to being treated as women and that includes basic chivalry. Is it so much to ask? What are you freaking out about? Mutually taking care of each other is pretty cool. We need care and protection. Obviously, there are female body builders that are physically stronger then an average man, but that is just an exception to the rule. Equal pay, the right to vote and other points are completely irrelevant here. There are women who like women, men who like men, those who like both. Those who like neither. Those who identify as both. And to your previous comment, some women actually do have quite a bit of hair even on their face. Hair removal is a fairly MODERN choice, do you realize that? This article can literally be read as a satire. I say american for Canada is in the COntinent America and our culture is American. That that was ROMANTIC! I have three nationalities. Canadian, AMerican and Colombian. IN Toronto , do I take it most folks are all out just to get theirs. Therefore is it so! This is a great article. Just keep it moving. Unfortunately we are not getting our needs met by most Canadian men, due to cultural differences. Ranting and raving about girls paying for their own first dates , and opening their own doors. What is the use of having you around then? What is your role? To wash the dishes? To put on an apron and play Martha steward? This is a very touchy subject — but after reading all these comments from loser men, and women who obviously encourage this lazy behaviour from men. I will actively discourage my gorgeous younger sister from wasting her time with Canadian boys. I always wondered about that phenomenon. Canadian men lost their balls due to feminists oppressing them all these years. Now they are just whiny little brats. I rather date a woman. You have all my sympathies, you are probably being forced very hard to find someone of a different nationality in Canada. The woman goes through labour and it may take hours and hours. The woman have bring up this child. So why exactly should men have a piece of the maternity leave?!?!? To bring or do whatever the mother of his child needs. I think it especially applies to new families. I believe in equal rights and equal benefits. Whatever a man decides to do is up to him. Just like a woman, if she decides to not cook dinner then it is a take out night. However, I do believe that the man should propose to a woman. That way he recognizes that he will take care of her during pregnancy, childbirth, toddler years. Equality, as fought for by feminists, was about freedom and having an equal voice when it came to the political direction of a nation. This is so frivolous of an issue it hardly justifies a response. I pay, she pays, we split the bill, who really cares? As for point 3, just do what you feel like. Be okay with living in a mess. Not okay with that? If I feel like cooking, I will. A few true marks of a man is aggressive tact, focus and decisiveness. Not whether heavy lifting is done or not. Chivalry is the outward expression of the modern civilized gentleman. A gentleman is far beyond merely doing things for a woman. A monkey can be trained to open doors. A gentleman understands that when she is talking, he is to listen and nothing more unless asked. Also, abrupt ending to an article. I know you could do much better. Why did I even exit the kitchen?? You stated that those are the nice things to do for each other, and I agree, but I think what people have a problem with is, stating-women should do this and men should do that. No one is entitled to one thing more than the other ex: doors should be opened for a woman and meals should be cooked for a men, etc. I love it when a man cooks for me, helps me do the dishes, etc. You want us to treat you like a woman then I will open doors and pay for everything. When I get home I expect dinner ready, the house taken care of and a glass of scotch waiting for me. You have no problem opening a door or carrying two bags of groceries, or at least I dont think you do. I do consider myself to be a feminist, you know why? Because I am a women and I am educated enough to know history and think that, hey, having the same legal rights, salary and opportunities as a men is a pretty nice thing? The exaggeration is slight, but they mainly lived in these three rooms and could never leave the house without their father or husband. Yes, I am a feminist, but I am not unfeminine. After all, the only way to make someone do something for you is to make them want to do it for you. I of course carry what I can but when they are too heavy he will carry some. Yes, he paid for our first date and bought me lots of drinks, and believes it was very worth it. He paid for our first date because he asked me out, and believes that whoever asks the other out should pay for dinner. Being in your place I would try to take a look on the big map, where is North America now and where is Europe? How people live in NA and how they live in Europe? The system in NA is built so that differences between people, hate, ego, angry etc. Obviously, nothing is perfect, adjustments can be made everywhere in the world, including on me or you. I truly believe that a man has to be gentile with a woman, open any door for her, respect her, love and communicate to her, but in the same way, the woman has to know how to fix a light bulb, a power plug, she have to be able to carry a bag, you name it. Of course life is easier in two but we all have to know to live by ourselves. We are probably not equal fiscally and mentally but in the society we have to be all equal. We all have to get respect from the other-one. I agree that in NA women believe they are strong as men, which is not true, they should be more feminine, but here comes the part with adjustments, we have to give time to people so that they will change in better. The problem in Europe its not the first bill, is all the bills. There women are expecting the men to pay every time. We are all working for our money. On the other hand, I find nothing wrong when a man is cooking, I am a man and I like to cook. I lived in Europe my first 20 years and the other 10 in NA. I see differences between now and then, here and there as well. Everywhere people have changed in better so give people the time they need. In the end, I would like to say that 10 years ago I saw little girls walking on the streets in pyjamas. Today there are no little girls walking in pyjamas. Today, any kind of music is everywhere in NA. So time is essence. Stop pretending men and women are the same…. Or maybe the woman is not really what she plays to be. Also, you keep comparing America to Europe. If opening doors is the pinnacle of male achievement in a relationship, then you have very odd standards. What I care about is if he shows support for me: cooking and cleaning when I have a busy time at work, such that I can come home and relax, listening to my troubles, offering helpful suggestions when I have an issue to solve, going out of his way to drive me to work when the weather is bad. Also, having traveled in Europe extensively, I would strongly dispute your assertion that everybody there is one way and everybody in Canada is different. No offense, but God save me from your version of a real man. Secondly, yes, chivalry is more important to them. I put the quotation marks, because it is such a dated and archaïc concept in a society that needs to turn itself towards a much more open and fluid definition of gender roles and of gender itself. Feeling feminine might come from having someone hold a door for you or from cooking a meal for a loved one, but it can also come from everything that makes you a women. Wearing a skirt, having sex, putting makeup or just feeling your curves fill out an outfit. Your gender is a mental thing. The only important thing is really the way you feel and how you consider yourself. Gestures of affection in couples are important, but I do not believe they should be according to gender, but rather to how you and your partner feel and your mutual talents. Look at these bones! Look at these postures! Bigglesworth of modern time. Seriously, they disgust me. The right hand can be a tad more useful here than just for putting two fingers deep in when you see one naked. Who do you think survives in rough climates and life conditions? Once you take a look at it, you will see that, evolutionnarily speaking, you are defeated. Science has spoken, now what do you have to say? On the upside, in many cases men are more likely to do all these nice gestures such as door opening if they feel the desire to be a gentleman, and that desire does not occur with every women thats out there. French is my mother tongue, so please excuse the level of written grammar. I know couples where she earns much more money than her husband, and in return, he takes care of the children more often. I also know women who had to give up their careers since the husband got a high paying job in another location. I am personally happy to have the freedom to make my own choices, as a person, and also as a girlfriend. I personally would rather share chores at home and open my own door in return. I found it quite fun to learn how to fix things around the house. And my partner is becoming a better cook. But these are are own decisions. If all, I feel more secure about my personal decisions. So thank you for not censuring your thoughts and sharing your opinions. And I keep hearing this from my girl-friends who originally moved from Europe. Even when you compare that to Russia, North America culture just overcomplicates these simple things. Russian tradition with women: control them and maybe a beating here and there just as I know in old countries. Now to say all Russian and old country men are like that would be IGNORANT of me!!! Guess this is ur life lesson on learning to grow up! Time to start rethinking before u have to follow up with a video. But both, men and women CAN COOK AND CLEAN and open doors for each other. If one of the parts is more talented in cooking they may cook more often, a lot of men are very good cooks! I encounter a lot of individuals of Semitic lineage who seem to scold any Soviet idea or principle. Those who read a tad of their own history would know that the individuals of Semitic lineage prefer radical freedom of action over the less capable in order to assume prime positions worldwide. Their mind is sharpened for practical thinking, which created a perfect much with the North American biomass assimilation, mashing culture, ethnicity and religion into one single monotonic sod. The cost of all this is conventional freedom, of course. At least understanding it is the first part of understanding how the USSR worked and venturing into a clear insight of the Eastern Slav mentality. Their behavior is the outcome of how we women treated them. If one wanted to be treated like a lady, then be a lady. If you wanted to be treated as an equal well I guess you know the answer. Sometimes women is at fault, we wanted equality then we resented it obviously. Visit Asia, where I am from, where you can still find great numbers of gentlemen who will be gladly showing you true acts of chivalry. I once went on a date with a girl and she argued the entire time who was going to pay for who I told I was going to pay for the both of us she did not want so I could not stomach it so I told her actually I am not hungry and guess what, she went and ordered me something just the same was a little mad but I did not want to insult her either but then finally near the end I actually got to pay for something so I was very content with that. It has nothing to do with being rich or poor I think even if the woman is a multi-billionaire the man should pay. See I was taught also when you take woman out for dinner your to 1. Pull out the chair for the woman and push it back in for her 2. Help her get her coat off when she arrives and on when she is about to leave Depending on the season if she was wearing a coat or not. Men have been continually told we are as a gender abusers of women and are all potential rapists. Woman regrets drunk sex? I have been glared at for opening a door for a strange woman; almost stopped doing it — now I do it equally for both genders. I will help them with heavy things but will make sure they know they are not my physical equal. Puts things into perspective for them. In Scandinavian countries and The Netherlands to name a few it is the same as in Canada. And ones she has decided to pursue her own carreer it is quite unfair to expect her to work a 40 hour job and do all the household tasks while her hubbie is watching TV or goes out with his palls. If your hubbie is objecting against taking part in maintaining the house let him hire a cleaning office. There are enough people who are happy to do it for you. Much like yourself, I was born in Eastern Europe and grew up in Canada. Our semblances end there. It makes me wonder what kind of a rock you have been living under for the last 25 years of your life. One that apparently has a juice bar and Instagram. So when I read this, I thought about how for every day I set out to make something more of myself as a young woman working in a male-dominated industry, as a boss, a leader and colleague to many, a friend, a girlfriend, a daughter, you can write a few lines and completely reverse us decades in time. Women are multi-faceted, just as men are, because we are humans: complex forms of life that go beyond our appearances. Your view of the world seems very narrow, especially for someone who claims to be as well traveled as yourself. I hope, for your precious sake, that you are able to learn and grow and contribute to this world in a greater form. Your expectations for men are very high, yet you have lowered your own expectations for yourself as a woman. For the record, I am from southern France, lived in Canada for the majority of my life and spent every summer in France since I was about 6 years old. Let me tell you what, I have had such a wonderful experience with women down there; they are easy to talk to, open and extremely confident. I feel like Canadian girls are not nearly as open minded with men and are rather conservative. I did read your article about dating European women, and this is where we will disagree; French women are WAY more adventurous and will never be shy with their sexual desires. Canadian girls are very shy about sex and romantic topics. I feel like women here in Canada do indeed take simple gestures, like the ones you mention above groceries, doors, etc. Lets face it, both here and in France there are douchebags, and yes I do have guy friends in France who are HUGE assholes to girls, but will always hold the door, pay for dates and pamper females. In Canada, that mix of douchebag and chivalrous does not exist. Anyways, my main point was this; what you describe to be a desirable way for men to treat women which I agree 100% is not a European standard, but rather a general character trait of social-class. Whether we like it or not, we are divided in a hierarchy of classes, often given to us by birth not that it means anything, it is just a fact and I do not mean to degrade anyone, this also does certainly NOT mean wealth, class and wealth have NOTHING to do with each-other. If we look back at the nobility era, it was Queens and Princesses who were pampered and treated with the most respect. They were the ones influencing the Kings and they would never get their hands dirty. In higher orders and noble societies, mal-treatement of women is very rare. If you take a look at lower classes of peasants, crooks, theives and scums, mal-treatment of women is much more prominent. Royalty and social-class never played a large role in Canada, I cannot blame them for not understanding this concept. It definitely has been something brought down from generations and can say it lives within several of my French friends, too bad Canadian women react negatively to such treatment. If you want men to care about you and help you. If you want this change than take it up with feminists. Men are sick of being blamed, being ridiculed. I just could not picture my life without him. I am married with two wonderful kids. My husband and i have been married for 10 years and we were such a big happy family. I knew once that something had gone wrong. I hired a private investigator that cost me a lot to help monitor his moves. Sadly,i was told he has was seeing another woman. It turned out right to be what i was thinking. But on one faithful day i caught them red handed and that moment my heart stopped for a while as i bust into tears, because i really love him so much that i can do anything for him. I have never seen in his eyes so much hatered before, to the extent that he will have to cheat on me. He was asking for a divorce but i wanted my man back because of the love i have for him. So i had to delay the process to buy time for myself so as to figure out a way to get him back. On a good day i stumbled on an article of how a boy got his girlfriend back after she broke up with him through a spell caster. I contacted him via email i saw on his website. His English was not so clear but he helped me. But not for free. I did as he instructed me. When he claimed to have finished whatever he was doing i personally appreciated him by sending him some money. He said those enchanting words he gave me will make my husband see the demon in his new lover and its going to make him hurt badly. All what the spell-caster had said began to manifest. He literally confessed that he hated her all of a sudden. All what this great spell caster called Dr Kareem Jida that uses only this website: which is w w w. Without thinking twice i had to forgive and accept his plead, because i him so much. My husband is back home and living happily now and he is as faithful to me and as a saint. I am a Canadian but have lived abroad for some time now. And by default of work travel a lot back home and internationally. European men or those who are more well-traveled ie. And to all the rude commentators, this is a blog and Irina is simply expressing her opinion as am I. There is no need to attack her and make comments about her that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I am Eastern European man living in Canada and I fully agree with your point of you. The problem with Eastern European women Is that they mostly rely on their looks which fade away once they turn 30, this is exactly why they need to get married before 25 while they still can sell their looks for a fancy future. Simply an act of prostitution. You know why they want a man to pay for all the time? Cuz most of them have never worked in their life and have not earned a single penny. Though, my experience is limited to the cities and suburbs. My friends from out East would perhaps, hook up with a random girl, but ultimately do want relationships. Actual relationships too, not merely flavour of the month or year. Still, though, women are either put on a pedastal or just used for the most part. They are insanely politically correct too. Like another commentator said here, I save my kindness for non-Canadian women. The men are so screwed up in this country because they learn that there is no point in being polite. I find that at least American girls have respect for themselves and have some sort of principles. They may like you for who you are. But I also agree with some of the people here saying that Europe is not Russia. Allow me to explain. You are right about feminists, but Europe has them too. Women here I live in Europe, or Holland, to be more specific are very rude towards men. I really love Russia. I am sure like some of us he is an exception to the rule s I agree with your post most man are like in your post and woman to. The role of each other in the couple has been lost and I saw the same thing as you did in Vienna, Budapest, Lviv and Kyiv. In fact, I almost see myself more with a woman from Europe as I like to do these things for them and the simple thanks or just the response to flowers makes you feels…. I am sorry to Canadian woman as I said there is exception but my experience lead me to believe my destiny will lead me to a special and wonderful Ukrainian woman. Anyway, hope to meet you while you are here with Dave and I enjoyed the video it is amazing and well done :. I am married with real french Canadian men, but myself I am real east european women! My husband told to me very early in our relationship…What I love about you.. So that the important part of this message. Big part of Amreican women have made from the men a HALF men! And so, you will finde in Canada some who are half men, who want you pay your bill, but my self I dont know anyone around our friends. Maybe its also a new generation? And in the end…I dont belive that there exist perfect people…so also my husband was not…but with my patience to learn him how to treat women, how to spoil hear, and so on…we are doing wounderfull! I learning thigs, what canedian woman before me did not learned to him! I have live in past also in Italy…So I could give a good comparision about italian mens against canedian. And canedian men would win, since I have met my love from canada and he is a treasure! Italian men can be a good lover, but not husband! In fact no italian man helps old women for example. Italian man are just good at fooling stupid girls and talk talk talk so you feel special, open your legs and then they run to brag. I also traveled to different countries. My experience related to Russian and Ukrainian girls is that they are extremely romantic and believe in the ideal date, the ideal man, the ideal wedding.. If their English is proficient shallow discussions with them are not to be expected, better be ready to discuss deep topics. The Russian culture is more conservative, one night stands are not as common as in North America in Russia of course any Russian that travels will look for some fun, as for any culture. Family is really important. I would say girls have more self-respect than in North America because…my conclusion is that Russian girls are proud to be women and show it and to be treated as such, in a conservative way. Anyone who has ever traveled cannot deny this as you will see other cultures are much happier than we are here in Canada in numerous ways lets start with family.. Debt, rampant here destroys creativity and relationships , no need to say more. But point is feminism or anyone who wants to oppose of this belief before you argue, first travel and no, not to a resort for a week go submerse yourself in real culture and see how happy everyday life is and how a man is allowed to express his energy as a man and a woman is allowed to proudly be feminine. Happiest couples I have saw are people who have had fulfilling careers and love one another and not just social gender roles but biologically understanding their body is of their gender and they should be proud with what they have. I believe in equal respect, no man is better nor woman but, be proud of your gender. Canada has totally sabotaged this in about every way and has so many people confused about their gender which destroys the natural selection process and irritates mental health and its evident; Canada is a land of mediocre and political correctness that has destroyed this country from this inside out, it has killed traditional family values as well as our innovative engine as a country I sincerely feel bad for men in this country as society stones any man here for being ambitious , intellectual, masculine , cultured.. Coming from a masculine Canadian guy whom is educated and ambitious nothing is more attractive than a happy, cultured, adventurous, feminine , intelligent woman who hates small talk and skips right to computer science or the cosmos in a convo. Guys treat foreign women like crap in Europe so hold your white princess asses until you find a man to wipe it for you. Man and woman are equals but different in their own ways. So i should say a man should help out a woman in lifting weights and woman is the only one who should take care of their kids and taking maternity leave. There is nothing sexy about a guy holding broom and doing dishes… just like there is nothing sexy about a woman doing woodworking on barn door while at the same time man is doing dishes wearing an apron….. If woman expect a man to pay the bill and open door of car for them than man expects his woman to make a delicious meal and clean up dishes. Man in USA and CANADA are treated like shit. They are not respected and still expected to open doors and do laundry, cooking and be a bitch. Here woman can shout out loud on a man or even slap him and he is expected to be quite and respectful BUT when a man shouts even once than everybody will call him aggressive and by any chance he slaps her for fucking or cheating equivalent situation.. Hez not going to get respected here… he still has to go broom and mop the floor anyways… Once i went to a bank with my wife to open her bank account and employee asked her if she wants me in the room for details it is right to do so because its her bank account and she said yes. I believe woman and man should be respected in their own ways. When a woman starts respecting man for what they are… man will definitely become GENTLEMAN again. UNTILL THEN YOU DESERVE TO BE TREATED THIS WAY. I agree with you that men in non north American countries are different. Because even there has been a lot of movements from feminism side has been pushed over them, they have resisted it and have not given up, because we all must have equal rights but we must have our differences. A man needs to take care of his woman to feel like a man and make his woman feel like a woman, and a woman needs to act like a woman in order to feel like a woman and make his man feel like a man. Stop confusing nature of these two. Since Brazil was initially colonized by Portugal and a lot of other European countries after that, we havea very similar culture. I have a lot of Canadian male friends, and they do treat women equally in a bad way. It sounds to me like a retaliation to feminism. Canadian men openly say that women asked for equal rights, so now they should be treated as men, which I absolutely disagree. I believe women progressed immensely when it comes to legal rights, but also lost a lot in human relations. I believe it will take a few generations to find a middle ground, where women have equal legal rights but are still treated as nicely as a women should be treated. Now for those of you who got offended that she is man bashing…. There are heaps and heaps of men out there just doing the bare minimum and not understanding the value of women. European men are taught to respect women from an early age, women are what bring children into the world. They are who nurture the men and support them to be the best they can be, help them to figure out their emotions and generally are the yin to the yang. A guy can act like all the others and treat women like dudes, some women may want that, but ultimately if you like a woman, you should be treating her better than any other guy. Similarly, we men love it when women cook food for us, not because we think you are our slaves, but because we love your feminity. This is a win-win situation for both of us, so why not let it be the way it once was. Before you stereotype me as a misogynist, and her as a bimbo, consider this, the American media has done an excellent job in brainwashing people into thinking that Hillary Clinton would win the US election, but Donald Trump won, right? Do keep in mind, media always focuses on those news which have a lot of spice. Of course some journalists are good, but bad ones also exist. And you know who makes it to the news majority of the time. Just basic good manners. Why women want to be like men here baffles me. They seem to want to emasculate men to take their place. I am a woman by the way. And pay and honor a ladies time. They have gotten over feminism thrown at them and confused. In the old school gentleman ways. And boys here have just screwed up so bad even in life with honoring Thier word Intergrity so much stuff. They want equality and be equals but women they they want that. To be strong role models. And be gentleman is to honor and respect women. And have family morale values. I know I still hold many jerks and moms boys and sit them down.

The topic is still taboo and filled with shame. They not only arrange dating venues besides providing suitable girlfriends to make the dating outstanding. On the contrary, the Chinese system believes in team-work, care for others, patience, care for one another but I get disguested by the way China has mass produced and distributed volumes of inferior products around the globe. But before you progress, I just need you to quickly forget everything that you know about dating. Ended up breaking my heart and my sanity. Debt, rampant here destroys creativity and relationshipsno need to say more. As a general impression, is seems that Australians can be more laid back about dating.


released December 28, 2018



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